Wednesday, October 25, 2006

6 times and then 5

Six times in one night. Between the hours of 11:00 pm and 5 am. Then it was 5 times the following 24 hours. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. My urge was driven by a general feeling of diconnectedness with the world or with the HP (not hewlett packard) and anxiety about finances and a little about my job - which, of course, is where I am writing this.

I think what you talk about when you say you hear or see a person's name, is what I would call a "trigger." For me, it is not really about the person but rather it is really the anxiety and disconnectedness and the need to be relieved from these for a little while.

I actually went about 2 days without any activity in that area and then last night one time. Since Sunday I have been taking something to help me sleep. This knocks out a huge chunk of time that this activity normally happens. Last night it took a really long time and it really didn't work. I did it in spite of the sleep aid. I actually forced myself to stay awake to complete the mission.

I think this is God's way of saying,"No No No, you are not going to get rid of this thing - this activity with a pill, pal! You need to work on the disconnectedness and your fears."

I hate this addiction. I truely hate it! Sometimes I would rather be dead.

We been dancin' with . . . (For me it is not Mr. Brownstone.)
He's been knockin'
He won't leave me alone
No, no ,no, he won't leave me alone
I used ta do a little but a little wouldn't do
So the little got more and more
I just keep tryin' ta get a little better
Said the little better than before
I used ta do a little but a little wouldn't do
So the little got more and more
I just keep tryin' ta get a little better
Said the little better than before

Now I get up around whenever
I used ta get up on time
But that old man he's a real muthafucker
Gonna kick him on down the line

(I am trying to kick him on down the line!)


Scarlett said...

It is me not being in control in certain aspects of my life where I think I should be and is the need for a short escape to collect myself before going to battle for control.... Being as I do not drink or do drugs, and not being rich beyond my wildest dreams and able to spend money like a crazy person, hence sex.

My current trigger is of course a person, which leads into a memory of the morning before one of my trips to Rome, a few other nights before then, plus a few other sorted things. The person involved was the last one to invade my mind in such a way, besides the husband. LOL
Once invaded, I get a little testy when I don't get what I think I want; what is it the "Borg" always say? LOL If this person knows whom he is and is reading, I apologize about being such a bitch several months ago.

Scarlett said...

Are you ever on here in the evenings?

Scarlett said...

Should I call the afore mentioned person to whom I was a bitch several months ago? I still have his cell number.