Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Valerie is back up on the radar.

Could I just keep this in perspective in my head.  Please.  I think the answer to that is no.  So now I am obsessing a bit about Valerie.

So she has a post up about wanting someone to tune her bike(s)  I am sure she'll get plenty of takers.  Unfortunately I won't be one of them because I don't have the tools.  This will be how she gets her next boyfriend.  Uhg. . .

I saw her at the Sat morning.  When the meeting was over she went right to Greg to start talking to him.  Actually she was sitting next to him on the couch.  "Well that's it.  They're hooking up.",  I thought.  Greg is getting a divorce.  More on Greg at some point other than he is an excellent study in narcissism.

We Will Intuitively Know How to Handle Situations That Used to Baffle Us.

Really?  I don't know what to do here.  I am baffled.  I have this desire to date her.  I don't feel it is right to just come out and ask for the same reason I didn't feel it was right to come out and ask Wendy to date me.

So I go to my car and when I come back she is talking to a guy named John.  John talks with all the women after meetings.  He's doing what I want to do.  I don't know his last name but he showed up around 2008 at the ACoA meeting.  Maybe 2007.  When Wendy and I were dating before I moved in with her John would talk with her after the meetings she went to without me.  Actually after the SLAA meeting shut down Wendy and I did not go to any meetings together.  I am really digressing here.  Anyway one of the times he was talking with her John asked Wendy if she would take him to a colonoscopy.  I so totally get that.  One of the ways to check and then possibly generate interest with a woman you are interested in is to ask them to do something for you.  The classic form of this is getting a ride to the airport.  Wendy said she couldn't but she did ask me if she could have when she was telling me about it.  Would I have minded?  I didn't because I was so secure with Wendy.  I think John found out we were dating and he never asked her again.  Oh yeah.  I knew what he was doing.  But she was my babe!  After that he became known at Colonoscopy John.  I think I am paying for that one now.

So there I was Saturday and he and she were in the entrance way and he was working it.  Or at least that's what I am thinking he was doing. Probably because like I said, that's what I want to do but I really can't.  She glanced at me and that was about it.  I go back and forth a couple of more times until the my other meeting starts where I walk in with some of the other guys in the meeting so that she can see that I am there for a reason other than to hang around to talk to her.  The other thing is that I am hoping she sees that I go to a meeting with nothing but guys where she might think I am really serious about my recovery.  Which, of course, brings up the question, am I?

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