Sunday, May 28, 2006

When we met sixteen years ago I didn't know. Hell, eight, six, years ago. I didn't know. Now, I do.
I will over come this. I will get through this.


Miss Myra said...

Yep, you will.

How long have you known about your addiction again?

Floyd Hill said...

Since about 2001/2002 I started 12 step April 2004

Miss Myra said...

Can you tell me how 12 step has helped you personaly?

Floyd Hill said...

12 step has helped me to become spiritual. It is called a spiritual program of recovery. Do not confuse it with religion or "born again" christian or some type of cult. It is anything but these things. It is very personal. For me 12 step has helped me to connect with other people in a way I never thought or understood possible.